ID resources built with FSC Identikit
This page lists all the availableID resources built with the FSC Identikit that we know about. Note that many of these are 'works in progress' and listing on this page does not indicate that the resource is endorsed by the FSC in any way. Follow the quick links below for information on the stage of development and other aspects of each resource.
Help & support
For more help and support visit our online Identikit forum:
Quick links
- Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland
- The Conifers of Britain
- UK Earthworms
- UK Linyphiidae (money spiders)
- Punch-card grasses key
- Froghoppers
- Waders
- Macrofungi Genera
- Beetle Families
- Plant Families
- Badhamia slime moulds
- Groups of UK grasses
- Resupinates of Hampshire
- Scutellinia (eyelash fungi)
- Geoglossum (earth tongues)
- Oxfordshire grasses
- Oxfordshire sedges
- Spring moths
- British and Irish Rubus species
- MBAN Springtails key
- UK and Irish Sphagnum Mosses (trial version)
- UK and Irish Mosses (trial version)
- PANKEY British Carex
- PANKEY Vegetative Grasses
If you know of any ID resources created with the FSC Identikit which aren't listed above, please let us know and we will add them onto this page. (Contact the BioLinks Team.)
Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland
ID resources notes: Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland includes all the Harvestmen recorded from Britain and Ireland. The knowledge-base behind the resource was developed by Richard Burkmar & Paul Richards. It draws on a number of sources including Paul Richard's fold-out chart on UK Harvestmen published by the Field Studies Council. The resource includes the Identikit's multi-access keys and a comprehensive library of images mostly from Paul Richard's collection. There is also a species account for each harvestman that include notes of field ID characters, distribution and ecology.
Technical notes: Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland is an example of an FSC Identikit resource hosted in it's own web app. So it doesn't have the usual drop-down list of visualisations/tools that come with Identikit 'out of the box'. Instead Identikit configuration options are used to hide the drop-down list and each tool is invoked from the menu options supplied by the app. Doing this kind of thing is easier than you might expect and the FSC Identikit is designed to make it that way.
The Conifers of Britain
ID resources notes: Conifers of Britain is an interactive guide for anyone who wants to identify one of the 50 or so species of coniferous trees that can be found growing in a naturalised state in Britain or to learn about the features that can be used to identify them. The knowledge base and all images and illustrations are the work of Matt Parratt who is a research biologist with Forest Research. He is also the conifer identification referee for the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI).
Technical notes: As with the Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland resource, this is an example of an FSC Identikit resource hosted in it's own web app. (See the technical notes for Harvestmen of Britain and Ireland for more information on that.)
UK Earthworms
ID resources notes: The multi-access keys to UK earthworms were one of the first successes of the FSC Identikit. The identification characters of UK earthworms lend themselves extrememely well to a multi-access key approach. The is based on, and supplements, Emma Sherlock's FSC AIDGAP key.
Technical notes: Although it includes the standards 'off the shelf' multi-access keys and ID tools, this implementation also includes a bespoke multi-access key based on an original development which preceeded the FSC Identikit. This bespoke key illustrate a useful point - the FSC Identikit is extensible. More tools and visualisations can be added and 'plugged in' to the overarching framework relatively easily. This bespoke visualisation includes a facility to colour the rectangle representing the earthworm taxa based on morphological or ecological characteristics. This ID resource is hosted on the website of the Earthworm Society of Britain.
UK Linyphiidae
ID resources notes: The knowledge-base for this visualisation is adapted from a spreadsheet created by Nigel Cane-Honeysett which, it turn, is created from tables originally published in The Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland (three volume set by Michael Roberts). By carefully observing just a few leg characters of a money spider (family Linyphiidae) under a microscope, you can narrow down the field of candidate taxa in this large family of some 281 species. Look at the taxon details (click on a taxon name) to see extra notes and page references for Roberts and Locket and Millidge. Note that the taxonomy reflects that used by in Roberts - not the latest UK taxonomy.
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted by a page on the FSC Biodiversity website which is a Drupal content management system. A simple option has been specified to start the 'circle-pack key' as the default visualisation because for these Linyphiidae, it is particularly useful to see how the various taxa respond to user input within the context of the taxonomic relationships.
Punch-card grasses key
ID resources notes: In 1985 the Field Studies Council published an innovative polyclave (multi-access) key to British grasses that relied on cards with holes punched in them. The key was the work of Richard J. Pankhurst - a true early innovator of using computers for biological identification - and Judith M. Allinson an experienced botanist working for the FSC. As a bit of fun and a tribute to the pioneering work of Pankhurst, Allinson and the FSC, we here present their multi-access key as implemented in the FSC Identikit. Instead of stacking cards and peering through holes, the ID Framework provides a modern user interface! We've kept pretty much everything else, including the taxonomy and the character help, as it was in the original. We've implmented this as a mobile Identikit key so you can download and use this in the field on a smartphone if you like - even when you have no internet connection
Technical notes: This key is presented on the Identikit resource subdomain of our FSC Biodiversity website. We present the resource with Identikit's mobile key interface.
ID resources notes: This identification resource was created by Nia Howells during her term as a TCV Natural Talent trainee at the National Museum Wales. Most images and species descriptions were sourced from with kind permission from Tristan Bantock. In addition some species from the National Museum of Wales were imaged by Nia Howells.
Technical notes: This key is presented as a standalone web page hosted by the FSC Biodiversity website (identikit sub-domain). It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers, but there is also a mobile-first implementation:
Mobile version:
ID resources notes: Covers the identification of 28 wader species known to occur in Britain and Ireland on a regular basis. It is part of an integrated suite of wader resources which also includes Quizlet and the Field Studies Council's WildID fold-out guide to Waders of Britain and Ireland. The key is intended as an identification and educational aid, to efficiently guide the user to an appropriate species or shortlist of species, especially for birds in non-breeding plumage.
The knowledgebase behind this resource is a collaborative project between Stephen Docker, Field Studies Council Publications and Keith Offord, an experienced field ornithologist, bird tour guide and photograher. Feedback on any aspect of this multi-access key are welcomed, please forward to Stephen Docker at: Eclectic Ecologist (
Macrofungi Genera (Gilled)
Mobile version:
ID resources notes: This prototype key covers the identification of mature fungal fruit bodies to genus level. It includes over 200 genera known to occur in Britain and Ireland. All have a stem (stipe) and spore producing surfaces in the form of gills (lamellae) on the lower surface of a protective cap (pileus).
The knowledgebase behind this resource is a collaborative project between Stephen Docker, Field Studies Council Publications and Geoffrey Kibby, an experienced mycologist, talented artist and author. Feedback on any aspect of this multi-access key is welcomed, please forward to Stephen Docker at: Eclectic Ecologist (
Beetle Families
Mobile version:
ID resource notes: This prototype multi-access key covers the identification of adult beetles to family level. It includes all 102 beetle families known to occur in Britain and Ireland and is intended as an identification and educational aid, to efficiently guide the user to an appropriate family or shortlist of families.
The knowledgebase behind this resource was created by Stephen Docker, Field Studies Council Publications. Feedback on any aspect of this prototype multi-access key is welcomed, please forward to Stephen Docker at: Eclectic Ecologist (
Plant Families
Mobile version:
ID resource notes: This prototype multi-access key covers the identification of flowering plants (angiosperms) to family level. It includes a total of 14 plant families which, between them, contain approximately 67% of the wild British flora. The key is intended as an identification and educational aid, to efficiently guide the user to an appropriate family or shortlist of families.
The knowledgebase behind this resource was created by Stephen Docker, Field Studies Council Publications. Feedback on any aspect of this prototype multi-access key is welcomed, please forward to Stephen Docker at: Eclectic Ecologist (
Badhamia slime moulds
ID resources notes: This beta phase identification resource was created by Sophie Trice for the NHM Identification Trainers for the Future Project and is intended as a re-imagination of the work by Bruce Ing Myxomycetes of Britain and Ireland: An Identification Handbook published in 1999. The objective is to provide the information in an alternative format to make it more accessible and therefore encourage more people to identify and record slime moulds.
Technical notes: This key is presented as a standalone web page hosted by the FSC Biodiversity website. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
Groups of UK grasses
ID resources notes: The key, create by Sally Hyslop for the NHM IdentificationTrainers for the Future Project, provides an introduction and guide for beginners in the identification of grasses in flower. The key is by no means comprehensive, including just 28 of the 100 non-native and native grass genera found in the UK. The key instead focuses on genera of some of the most common and widespread species, using the most easily-recognised features for identification.
Technical notes: Strictly speaking this is not an FSC Identikit resource - it was created before the generalised framework of the FSC Identikit was conceived. However, it has a lot in common with the Identikit and informed how the Identikit developed.
The Resupinates of Hampshire
ID resources notes: The Resupinates of Hampshire is an Identikit resource from the Hampshire Fungus Recording Group.
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on the website of the Hampshire Fungus Recording Group. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers. The resource has been configured so that the default view is the 'Single Column Key'.
Scutellinia (eyelash fungi)
ID resources notes: For some years, Mal Greaves, of the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group, has been making a special study of the genus Scutellinia (eyelash fungi): based on his research, and using the FSC Identikit, he has created this interactive key to the genus; following on from this work, he has also produced a similar key to the genus Geoglossum (earth tongues).
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on the website of the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
Geoglossum (earth tongues)
ID resources notes: For some years, Mal Greaves, of the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group, has been making a special study of the genus Scutellinia (eyelash fungi): based on his research, and using the FSC Identikit, he created an interactive key to the genus Scutellinia; following on from this work, he has also produced this key to the genus Geoglossum (earth tongues).
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on the website of the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
Oxfordshire grasses
ID resources notes: This ID resource was created by Ruth Ripley and Camilla Lambrick from the Oxfordshire Flora Group.
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on the University of Oxford Department of Statistics staff web portal. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
Oxfordshire sedges
ID resources notes: This ID resource was created by Ruth Ripley and Camilla Lambrick from the Oxfordshire Flora Group.
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on the University of Oxford Department of Statistics staff web portal. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
Spring moths
ID resources notes: This ID resource created by Paul Palmer is a mutli-access key to some of our springtime moths.
Technical notes: This ID resource is hosted on Paul's own website. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers. It is implemented with a relatively early version of the Identikit.
British and Irish Rubus species
ID resources notes: This ID resource created by Dave Earl is a work in progress to produce a mutli-access key to British and Irish Rubus species. By all means explore what Dave has done so far, but be aware that all of the information is under review and there are large parts of the knowledge-base left to complete.
Technical notes: This key is presented as a standalone web page hosted by the FSC Biodiversity website. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
MBAN Springtails key
ID resources notes: This ID resource created by Ben Deed is an experimental work in progress to investigate the utility of mutli-access keys as an aid to the identification of UK Springtails.
Technical notes: The key is hosted on the Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists' website administered by Ben Deed. It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
PANKEY British Carex
ID resource notes: Richard Pankhurst wrote a set of botanical keys to assist to help botanist identify some tricky plant families. He wrote them using Delta, a new computer system for taxonomy that he had helped to develop. Peter Wiggins has converted them to Identikit to make them more widely available.
Richard Pankhurst (1940 – 2013) was a true early innovator of using computers for biological identification. He started work at CERN and then moved to Cambridge University when his interest in computer systems and his passion for botany combined. He moved to the Natural History Museum as Curator of Herbarium and then to Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. As well as a computer scientist and taxonomist, he was a gifted field botanist and wrote the Flora of the Outer Hebrides.
The keys are unchanged from the original except that the plant names have been updated where needed.
Carex salina has been added.
Technical notes: This key is presented as a standalone web page hosted by the FSC Biodiversity website (identikit sub-domain). It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers.
PANKEY Vegetative Grasses
ID resouce notes: Richard Pankhurst wrote a set of botanical keys to assist to help botanist identify some tricky plant families. He wrote them using Delta, a new computer system for taxonomy that he had helped to develop. Peter Wiggins has converted them to Identikit to make them more widely available.
Richard Pankhurst (1940 – 2013) was a true early innovator of using computers for biological identification. He started work at CERN and then moved to Cambridge University when his interest in computer systems and his passion for botany combined. He moved to the Natural History Museum as Curator of Herbarium and then to Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. As well as a computer scientist and taxonomist, he was a gifted field botanist and wrote the Flora of the Outer Hebrides.
The keys are unchanged from the original except that the plant names have been updated where needed.
Technical notes: This key is presented as a standalone web page hosted by the FSC Biodiversity website (identikit sub-domain). It presents the standard 'out of the box' FSC Identikit tools and visualisations geared towards large format display devices such as desktop and laptop computers, but there is also a mobile-first implementation: