ID Resource Resource Finder
The ID Resource Finder is an online searchable catalogue of UK wildlife identification resources. A key feature is that this catalogue is crowd-sourced, all you have to do is create an account to add/edit the resources.
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Displaying 601 - 650 of 764.Title | Description | Author(s) | Free | Availability | |
RES Handbook Vol 7 Part 1. Hymenoptera - Ichneumonoidea (Pimplinae) | The subfamily Pimplinae is biologically the most diverse, and probably the most extensively studied, within the Ichneumo | M. G. Fitton, M. R. Shaw and I. D. Gauld | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 7 Part 11. Classification & biology of braconid wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) | Hymenoptera constitute one of the largest and most successful orders of insects. | M. R. Shaw & T. Huddleston | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 7 Part 2a i. Hymenoptera - Ichneumonoidea | This part of the Handbooks includes a provisional key to the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae and keys to species of the Ich | J. F. Perkins | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 7 Part 2a ii. Hymenoptera - Ichneumonoidea | IN addition to the remaining tribe of the Ichneumoninae, this section of the Handbook also includes the Alomyinae, Agrio | J. F. Perkins | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 7 Part 2b. Ichneumonidae - Orthopelmatinae & Anomaloninae | This handbook is the third dealing with the Ichneumonidae. The first two by Dr J. F. | I. D. Gauld & P. A. Mitchell | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 1a. Hymenoptera. Cynipoidea. Key to families and subfamilies and Cynipinae (including galls) | Hymenoptera, the British species, as listed in Kloet and Hincks (1945), numbering just over two hundred. | R. D. Eady and J. Quinlan | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 1b. Hymenoptera. Cynipoidea. Eucoilidae | THE family Eucoilidae is the largest and most widely distributed of the parasitic families in the Cynipoidea. | John Quinlan | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 2a. Hymenoptera 2. Chalcidoidea Section (a). | THE Chalcidoidea (Chalcid flies) form one of the largest superfamilies of the Hymenoptera, and are distributed in almost | Ch. Ferrière and G. J. Kerrich | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 2b. Hymenoptera 2. Chalcidoidea Section (b) | Trus handbook covers the small family Elasmidae and introduces the very large family Eulophidae. | R. R. Askew | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 3d i. Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea. Diapriidae subfamily Diapriinae | In presenting this handbook on the subfamily Diapriinae I have now dealt with all the British species of Diapriidae. | G. E. J. Nixon | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 8 Part 3d ii. Hymenoptera. Proctotrupoidea. Diapriidae subfamily Belytinae | THE Diapriidae, as interpreted by Kieffer in Das Tierreich, Diapriidae (1916), are divided into two subfamilies, the Dia | G. E. J. Nixon | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 1. Diptera - 1. Introduction and key to families | HITHERTO the only key to the families of British Diptera has been that given in Wingate's Durham Diptera (1906), wh | H. Oldroyd | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 2 i. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Tipulidae) | FLIES of the family TIPULIDAE may be recognized by their slender bodies and long, slender legs, the latter characteristi | R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 2 ii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Trichoceridae - Culicidae) | THis is a small family represented in Europe by two genera, Trichocera (winter gnats) and Diazosma. | R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 2 iii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Chironomidae) | FLIES of the family CHIRONOMIDAE may be distinguished from other Nematocerous families of Diptera by the following combi | R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 3. Diptera - Nematocera. Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae) | The Fungus-gnats (Mycetophilidae) are a large family of terrestrial Nematocera, usually with a compact hump-backed appea | A. M. Hutson, D. M. Ackland and L. N. Kidd | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 4a. Diptera - Brachycera. Tabanoidea and Asiloidea | (Now superceded - see comments.) THE evolution of Diptera has clearly followed two main lines, one leading to Nematocera | Harold Oldroyd | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
RES Handbook Vol 9 Part 5. Diptera - Orthorrhapha Brachycera. Dolichopodidae | THE Dolichopodidae belong to the Brachycera section of the Orthorrhapha. | E. C. M. d'Assis Fonseca | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Revised Field Key To The Invertebrate Fauna Of Stony Hill Streams | This illustrated key to the macroscopic invertebrates of small stony hill streams, based on those in the Long Mynd, Shro | MARGARET REDFERN (Mrs. R. A. D. Cameron) | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Rocks | Designed for use in the field, classroom and laboratory, this 12-page chart features clear colour photographs of 71 comm | Pellant & Pellant | No | Publication | View Edit |
Rocky shore lichens | This fold-out chart covers 62 common species of lichen found on rocky sea shores from the low tide mark up to the limit | Dobson | No | Publication | View Edit |
Rocky shore name trail | 8-panel laminated fold-out chart will help you to identify some of the seashore animals, lichens and seaweeds that you a | Simms, Cremona & Ward | No | Publication | View Edit |
Rocky Shore Snails As Material For Projects (With A Key For Their Identification) | Rocky sea shores are amongst the best habitats in which to carry out biological field projects. In that habita | J. H. Crothers | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Rogers Mushrooms | Rogers Mushrooms was the perfect reference tool to learn about and identify fungi, including mushrooms, truffles, puffba | Roger Phillips | Yes | Online | View Edit |
Saltmarsh plants of Britain | Organised by height above sea level, this chart includes mud flat plants (such as eelgrass andSpartina), lower saltmarsh | Oldham & Roberts | No | Publication | View Edit |
Scottish Lichens | A wealth of info on a range of lichen species, including a species gallery and blog | Petra Vergunst | Yes | Online | View Edit |
Scutellinia (eyelash fungi) | For some years, Mal Greaves, of the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group, has been making a special study of the genus Scutellinia | Malcolm Greaves | Yes | Online | View Edit |
Sea Spiders A Revised Key To The Adults Of Pycnogonida In The British Littoral Isles | A fully tested key to species of sea spiders found on, or just below, British seashores is provided. | P. E. KING | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Sea-Spiders (Pycnogonida) of the north-east Atlantic | This Synopsis covers all eighty-four species recorded at all depths from the north-east Atlantic, east of the Mid-Atlant | Bamber | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seasearch Guide to Bryozoans and Hydroids of Britain and Ireland | Bryozoans and Hydroids are two groups of marine animals that are unrecognised by the majority of divers and frequently c | Dr Joanne Porter | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seasearch Guide to Sea Anemones and Corals of Britain and Ireland (2nd Edition) | The cool temperate waters around Britain & Ireland contain a huge variety of marine life and the sea anemones an | Chris Wood | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seasearch Guide to Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland | British and Irish shallow seas contain an astonishing 7% of the world's seaweed species, around 700 different seawe | Francis Bunker, Juliet Brodie, Christine Maggs, Anne Bunker | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seasearch Identifications Facebook Group | A group for Seasearch Observers and Surveyors and others involved in identifying and recording marine plants and animals | Seasearch | Yes | Online | View Edit |
Seasearch Observer's Guide to Marine Life of Britain and Ireland | This lavishly illustrated book aims to introduce divers and snorkellers to a selection of the animals and plants from sp | Chris Wood | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seaside wildflowers | Photo guide to the most commonly seen seaside wildflowers. | Plantlife | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Seasons | From catkins in spring to redwings in winter, this new fold-out chart shows you the wildlife to look out for throughout | Farley-Brown & Norman | No | Publication | View Edit |
Seed and leaf beetles | This AIDGAP identification guide covers the adults of the Chrysomelidae, Orsodacnidae and Megalopodidae. | Hubble | No | Publication | View Edit |
Shieldbugs of the British Isles | Shieldbugs look somewhat like beetles but have sucking mouthparts instead of mandibles and their young (called nymphs) p | Nau | No | Publication | View Edit |
Shropshire Craneflies | Shropshire Craneflies is both an up-to-date distribution atlas for Shropshire and a set of identification keys to the 24 | P Boardman | No | Publication | View Edit |
Shropshire Earwig Species | Photo gudie to identifying the three species of earwig found in Shropshire. | David W. Williams | Yes | View Edit | |
Shropshire Weevils associated with conifers | PDF photo guide to some of the more frequently encountered weevils of Shropshire. | P Boardman | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Shropshire Weevils associated with deadwood, fungi, and rotting timbers | PDF photo guide to some of the more frequently encountered weevils of Shropshire. | P Boardman | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Shropshire Weevils associated with elms and oaks | PDF photo guide to some of the more frequently encountered weevils of Shropshire. | P Boardman | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Shropshire weevils associated with rosaceous trees and shrubs | PDF photo guide to some of the more frequently encountered weevils of Shropshire. | P Boardman | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Shropshire Weevils associated with Sycamore, Beech, Alder, Birch and Hazel | PDF photo guide to some of the more frequently encountered weevils of Shropshire. | P Boardman | Yes | Online, PDF | View Edit |
Simple key to Caddis Larvae | Caddis larvae are very familiar aquatic insects but only a few of the 198 British and Irish species feature in popular g | Ian Wallace | No | Publication | View Edit |
Siphonophores and velellids | To all except marine biologists, the Portuguese man-o'war Physalia is often regarded as the only British siphonopho | Kirkpatrick & Pugh | No | Publication | View Edit |
Sipunculans | The phylum Sipuncula comprises a small but distinct group of exclusively marine animals, with 17 genera and about 150 sp | Gibbs | No | Publication | View Edit |
Slugs of Britain and Ireland | Full-colour AIDGAP guide gives a fully comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the slug fauna of Britain and Ireland. | Rowson, Turner, Anderson & Symondson | No | Publication | View Edit |
Soil Biodiversity UK | Facebook group dealing with soil biodiversity in the UK. | Matthew Shepherd | Yes | Online | View Edit |